With 4 mills Hodod was an important milling centre. The new mill was built by The Wesselényis at begining of XX century. Nationalized in 1948 functioned up until 1990's. Known for its delicate flour was called "the mill with sieve". The mill's energy source were the coal gase, the water of cooling was assured by fountain "Csorgós" under castle Wesselényi, were was pumped in tanks which assures today the locality's drinking water. Now in the building there is a restaurant.
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Wesselényi mill, Hodod , Photo: WR
Source: welcometoromania.ro
GPS: 47.40866N, 23.02552E
Map type