Map of Malancrav

panoramic image for:Map of Malancrav

The Malancrav village is certified since 1305, and its history is linked to the Apafi noble family, whose mansion can be admired after being restored by the Prince Charles Foundation. Malâncrav became the home of the Apafi family. Here were buried Apafi Mihaly I and wife Bornemissza Anna and Apafi Mihaly II, but in 1916 they were exhumed and buried in Cluj in the church on Farkas street. In 1848 the rebellious peasants destroyed the princely buildings. At that time only the mansion, the church, and another building were made of stone. The inhabitants began to build their stone houses after their release from serfdom. Around 1900, the Haller and Ugron families still had important mansions in the locality, but in 1918 the Haller family sold its estate to the local community.

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Cristian Laubach

Malancrav , Photo: Cristian Laubach

Malancrav , Photo: Cristian Laubach

Malancrav , Photo: Cristian Laubach

Malancrav , Photo: Sárkány Noémi

Malancrav , Photo: Sárkány Noémi

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Sárkány Noémi

Malancrav , Photo: Sárkány Noémi

Malancrav , Photo: Ferenczi Zoltán Sámuel

Malancrav , Photo: Ferenczi Zoltán Sámuel

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Hermann Fabini

Malancrav , Photo: Hermann Fabini

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Nicu Perlea

Malancrav , Photo: Cristian Laubach

Malancrav , Photo: Cristian Laubach

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu

Malancrav , Photo: Florin Arjocu


GPS: 46.11124N, 24.64894E

pag. 1

Map type

Map of Malancrav
Malancrav: The Apafi Manor

Malancrav: The Apafi Manor

Malancrav: Evangelical fortified church

Malancrav: Evangelical fortified church

