A settlement where the sun raises two times. It is 24 km far from Aiud and 7 km far from Buru and it's situated at the feets of the Piatra Secuiului Peak (1171 m). The cliff's name comes from the fact that in the XIII century the secuis saved the village from the assault of the Tartar. As direct recompense they'd got the fortress from that cliff. The fortress of Coltesti that was built around 1296 by the subvoivode Thoroczkay Vencel.
In 1470 the fortress was confiscated by king Matei Corvin, in 1514 it was devastated by the people of Gh. Doja as long as in 1713 it was demolished by the Austrian troops. The population of the parish has Austrian, from Eisenwurzel region, Hungarian and German that had came to work in mines, reach in iron, gold, silver and cupper. Around 1870 after the fire they were built the well-known white houses, characteristic to the mine-zone that were well kept. in 1952 they opened an ethnographical museum where are exposed furniture, popular costumes, embroideries, etc.
A unique show is the carnival with mask at the ending of winter. For exemplary conservation of the houses, attire and habits UNESCO included the settlement on the list of the world heritages.
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Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Rimetea , Photo: WR
Source: welcometoromania.ro
GPS: 46.45421N, 23.56729E
Map type
Rimetea: Dulló Enikő Sára pension
Rimetea: The oldest house of the village
Rimetea: Negy Evszak pension
Rimetea: Brassai Youth hostel
Rimetea: Bela pension (Nosztalgia)
Rimetea: Abelia pension
Rimetea: Szabo pension
Rimetea: Bitai pension
Rimetea: Fairy house
Rimetea: Rozsa pension
Rimetea: Kerekes pension
Rimetea: Panorama pension
Rimetea: Restaurant Szarvas
Rimetea: Agota pension
Rimetea: Ida néni private museum
Rimetea: Aranyos pension
Rimetea: Kiraly guesthouse
Rimetea: Unitarian church
Rimetea: Vigh pension
Rimetea: Geley Anna private museum
Rimetea: Orsolya pension
Rimetea: Rita pension
Rimetea: Adel pension
Rimetea: Folk art museum
Rimetea: Kristály pension
Rimetea: András pension
Rimetea: Dalma pension
Rimetea: Botár pension
Rimetea: Babi pension
Rimetea: Dulo Annamaria pension
Rimetea: Palinkas pension
Rimetea: Vajda house
Rimetea: Water-mill
Rimetea: Dr. Demeter Béla pension
Rimetea: Demeter house
Rimetea: Sarika pension
Rimetea: Klara pension
Rimetea: Somodi pension
Rimetea: Borbely pension
Rimetea: Piroska pension
Rimetea: Sara pension