Map of Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Stâna de Vale - Vărăşoaia lodge

panoramic image for:Map of Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Stâna de Vale - Vărăşoaia lodge

The sign starts from Stîna de Vale, passing the Mirracle spring, then turns left on the wood path. It follows the brook in the wood until it reaches a glade. From here starts a rise in the wood going to East-West direction, getting to a pasture on the Muncelu ridge, where it meets the blue line sign.
On the other side of the ridge it starts to descend on a descending ridge until it gets to the matchpoint of the roads coming from the valley. Our sign takes us over the road and leads us upwards on the right side of Dragan valley. It reaches the Estena glade, goes through the Moara Dracului valley, through several springs getting to the ridge, where it changes direction. It choses the S-E direction till the Piatra Tâlharului. Here it crosses the road marked with the blue line.
Then it descends again to the Onceasca clearing, where the Onceasa cave is to be found. The two pathes meet up there
The two signs go together for 600 m, then our sign takes the direction of NE- SW, going through the Cuciulata valley, descending to the lodge at the Varasoaia. As it gets out of the wood, it meets two other signs.
Where the wood path turns at an angle of 90 toward the Vărășoaia glade we meet the
From here the three signs go together towards the glade at the Varasoaia glade. Before reaching the clearing we meet
200 m before the lodge we meet the

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Marian Ghibu

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Marian Ghibu

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Hám Péter

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Hám Péter

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Stanisoara glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Csupor Jenő

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Csupor Jenő

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Hám Péter

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Csupor Jenő

Piatra Tâlharului, Photo: Csupor Jenő

Onceasa glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Onceasa glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Onceasa glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Onceasa glade, Photo: Hám Péter

To dolina, Photo: Hám Péter

To dolina, Photo: Hám Péter

The Lake in the Black dolina, Photo: Hám Péter

The Lake in the Black dolina, Photo: Hám Péter

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Zsembery Ágoston

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Zsembery Ágoston

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Csupor Jenő

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Csupor Jenő

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Adrian Văduva

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Adrian Văduva

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Adrian Văduva

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Adrian Văduva

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Carmen Avram

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Carmen Avram

Vărășoaia lake, Photo: Bușe Delu

Vărășoaia lake, Photo: Bușe Delu

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Adrian Văduva

Vărăsoaia glade, Photo: Adrian Văduva

Vărășoaia glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Vărășoaia glade, Photo: Hám Péter

Vărășoaia lake, Photo: Hám Péter

Vărășoaia lake, Photo: Hám Péter

Vărășoaia lake, Photo: Hám Péter

Vărășoaia lake, Photo: Hám Péter


GPS: 46.65712N, 22.72726E

pag. 1

Map type

Map of Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Stâna de Vale - Vărăşoaia lodge
Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Piatra Grăitoare-Runcul Ars

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Piatra Grăitoare-Runcul Ars

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Stâna de Vale - Vărăşoaia lodge

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Stâna de Vale - Vărăşoaia lodge

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: IC Ponor-Onceasa

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: IC Ponor-Onceasa

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Onceasa Clearing - Somesul Cald valley

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Onceasa Clearing - Somesul Cald valley

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Piatra Grăitoare-Runcul Ars

Bihor-Vladeasa, Apuseni mountains: Piatra Grăitoare-Runcul Ars