This cave can be found close to the village having the same name. It has the length of 94 m. The entrance, being 2.4 m high leads us into a gallery which is active and 7 m high, and there is a tiny little way within. It includes several stalagmites and stalactites as well as it can hold the springlet, which gives water to anyone who desires.
Contact: 0252-362-596, 0372-702-529
The cave is located in the Iron Gate National Park
Padina Matei cave, Padina Matei , Photo: Barátky Félix
Padina Matei cave, Padina Matei , Photo: Barátky Félix
Padina Matei cave, Padina Matei , Photo: Barátky Félix
Padina Matei cave, Padina Matei , Photo: Barátky Félix
Padina Matei cave, Padina Matei , Photo: Barátky Félix
Padina Matei cave, Padina Matei , Photo: Barátky Félix
GPS: 44.76263N, 21.75237E
Map type