Chiscau locality located at the foot of the Bihor Mountains, is a documentary attestation of 1588, at that time being famous for its iron smelting. Since 1975, when the bear cave was discovered, the town has become a world-famous tourist center. Chiscau also boasts one of the largest private ethnographic museums in the country.
Chișcău, sights
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Chișcău , Photo: Constantin Ionescu
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Chișcău , Photo: Boros Zoltán
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Chișcău , Photo: WR
Hălmagiu, Photo: WR
Hălmagiu, Photo: WR
GPS: 46.55773N, 22.55780E
Map type