The track starts at Pietrele and ascends into the woods. In five minutes time we meet another road sign. Turns left:
Another long ascent, then a clearing, with a spring nearby. We keep climbing in the direction of the juniper firs. We cross Pietrele creek and now have to fight a more demanding ascent.
We go by large rocks and arrive at a large rock called Bordu Tomi.
We cross Pietrele creek again, and keep climbing until we reach lake Pietrele. We cross between two rocks in Bucura saddle and soon arrive at the ridge. The panel says: Curmătura Bucurei (2206m), there's a view on Bucura and the surounding lakes.
In the Bucura saddle we also meet the ridge route sign
Our track descends to lake Bucura. We find new route signs at Bucuretu (2070m.):
Next crossing at the threshold between lake Bucura and the other lakes:
We follow the red cross route sign, which goes right and arrives at lake Bucura
Pietrele, Photo: Alexandru Moțoc
On the way to Gentiana rest-house, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
On the way to Gentiana rest-house, Photo: Fănică Bota
On the way to Gentiana rest-house, Photo: Radu Dârlea
On the way to Gentiana rest-house, Photo: Radu Dârlea
Gențiana hostel, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
Gențiana hostel, Photo: Radu Dârlea
On the way to Bordul Tomi, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
Through the junipers, Photo: Marian Ghibu
Through the junipers, Photo: Nicolae Petrescu
We cross the stream, Photo: Marian Ghibu
The Bucura 2 peak in the background,, Photo: Mihai Bursesc
Rhododendron, Photo: Marian Ghibu
On the way to lake Bucura, Photo: Mihai Bursesc
Bordu Tomii, Photo: Fănică Bota
On the way to lake Bucura, Photo: Sorin Nicolas
Pietrele lake, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
Bucura peake, Photo: Sorin Nicolas
One can also acces Bucura saddle from the main ridge, Photo: Gianina Stepan
Bucurei valley, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
To the Bucura saddle, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
To te Bucura lake, Photo: Sorin Nicolas
Bucura lake, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
Descent to lake Bucura, Photo: Radu Vadan
Bucura lake, Photo: Radu Dârlea
Road fork on Bucuretu peak, Photo: Marian Ghibu
Bucura lake, photo: Marian Ghibu, Photo: Marian Ghibu
Bucura lake, Photo: Radu Dârlea
Tents at lake Bucura, Photo: Radu Dârlea
Bucura lake, Photo: Mihai Bursesc
Bucura lake, Photo: Marian Ghibu
Horses, Photo: Marian Ghibu
Tents near Bucura, Photo: Radu Dârlea
Bucura lake, Photo: Mihai Bursesc
Rhododendron, Photo: Marian Ghibu
Bucura lake, Photo: Fănică Bota
GPS: 45.36520N, 22.87245E
Map type
Retezat mountains: The lakes tour
Retezat mountains: Bucura Lake - Lacul Zănoaga
Retezat mountains: Viorica lake
Retezat mountains: Florica lake
Retezat mountains: Agatat lake
Retezat mountains: Bucura Lake - Lacul Zănoaga
Retezat mountains: The lakes tour
Retezat mountains: Bucura lake
Retezat mountains: Bucura Lake - Retezat peak
Retezat mountains: Porţii lake
Retezat mountains: Bucura Lake - Custura peak
Retezat mountains: Bucura Lake - Retezat peak
Retezat mountains: Ohaba - Pietrele lodge
Retezat mountains: Pietrele lodge - Bucura lake
Retezat mountains: Pietrele lodge - Bucura lake
Retezat mountains: Pietrele lodge - Bucura lake
Retezat mountains: Pietrele lodge - Bucura lake
Retezat mountains: Pietrele lodge - Bucura lake
Retezat mountains: Bucura Lake - Retezat peak
Retezat mountains: Retezat peak - Peleaga saddle
Retezat mountains: Retezat peak - Peleaga saddle
Retezat mountains: Retezat peak - Peleaga saddle