This mill, driven by the force of the water, belonged to a very rich Jew named Ejzik. They made corn and wheat. He was deported to Auschwitz, where he died. His heirs sold the mill to an association of 4 Romanians. In 1948 it was confiscated by the communists and was appointed as head of one Stephen Moses, a man with mobility impairments, which is said to prevent the bags and made fun of him. In the meantime, the water and up the operation of an engine was fitted by tractor belts which act. Three owners died of the four, only one old man remained. He and some people who were afraid that the pre-war times might not return in 1991 set fire to the mill. Only the walls remained. On sapanta mills were 3-4, but that was the greatest.
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
The mill, Săpânța , Photo: WR
GPS: 47.97233N, 23.69924E
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