The route starts from the Capra Cabana hotel but is only marked near Capra waterfall. So far we follow Transfagarasan on a length of 2 km. At 1.5 km from the cottage we leave the yellow triangle marker to the right.
Our route continues another 0.5km on the road, followed by the marking that leads us up the steep slope to the western slope of the Piciorul Caprei. We go over two glacial steps and get to Lacul Capra, further to the climbing monument where we meet the markings:
Căldarea Caprei, Photo: Cornel Găvănescu
Capra cottage, Photo: Adrian Pop
Căldarea Caprei, Photo: Cornel Găvănescu
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Marius Dumitrel
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Marius Dumitrel
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Marius Dumitrel
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Marius Dumitrel
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Dénes László
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Dénes László
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Marius Dumitrel
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Marius Dumitrel
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Dénes László
Capra lake, Photo: Cătălin Lucan
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Dénes László
Capra lodge - Caprei lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Dénes László
GPS: 45.59239N, 24.63373E
Map type
DN7c: Transfăgărăşan tunnel
Făgăraş mountains: Călţun lake - Tunnel Transfăgărăşan
Făgăraş mountains: Tunnel Transfăgărăşan south - Balea saddle
Făgăraş mountains: Cota 2000 Salvamont house - Capra lake
Făgăraş mountains: Capra lake
Făgăraş mountains: Capra lodge - Caprei lake
DN7c: Capra waterfall
Făgăraş mountains: Podragu saddle - Capra saddle
Făgăraş mountains: Capra lodge - Caprei lake
Făgăraş mountains: Capra lodge - Caprei lake
Făgăraş mountains: Capra cottage-Fereastra Zmeilor
Făgăraş mountains: Fereastra Zmeilor refuge hut
Făgăraş mountains: Capra cottage-Fereastra Zmeilor
Făgăraş mountains: Dragons Window