The blue triangle trails with blue cross start at Piscul Negru foresters lodge and travel through Capra valley into the woods. 1/2 hour away from our starting point we reach one foresters lodge.
Above the juniper, the route goes to Paltinului saddle
We climb to a glaciar threshold, and in order to reach Lacul Călțun we have to climb two more thresholds.
In the final part coming from the right, joins us:
After a last hard ascent we reach the Caltun lake with Salvamont refuge. Here we meet with markings:
Piscul Negru, Photo: Rogojanu Florin
Piscul Negru, Photo: Rogojanu Florin
Piscul Negru, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Ștefan Pușcașu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Ștefan Pușcașu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Cornel Gavanescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Cornel Gavanescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Ștefan Pușcașu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Mihai Petrescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Cornel Gavanescu
Piscul Negru - Călțun lake hiking trail, Făgăraș mountains, Photo: Cornel Gavanescu
GPS: 45.57696N, 24.58945E
Map type
Făgăraş mountains: Caltun lake
Făgăraş mountains: Caltun refuge hut
Făgăraş mountains: Călţun lake - Tunnel Transfăgărăşan
Făgăraş mountains: Piscul Negru - Lespezi peak - Piscul Negru
Făgăraş mountains: Piscul Negru - Călţun lake
Făgăraş mountains: Piscul Negru - Călţun lake
Făgăraş mountains: Călţun lake - Tunnel Transfăgărăşan
Făgăraş mountains: Piscul Negru-Paltinului saddle
Făgăraş mountains: Piscul Negru-Paltinului saddle