It is a building that hasn't changed its function in the course of time. The EMKE Hotel after its name in those days was realized by Sztarill Ferenc in 1902 in Jugendstil with gothic impressions. The building has a high ground floor where was arranged a café favorite meeting place of the well known Hungarian poet Ady Endre an eminent person of the literary grouping who managed to type the anthology "A holnap" (The next day) in 1908.
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
The EMKE, old photo
The Astoria Hotel, Oradea·, Photo: WR
GPS: 47.05711N, 21.93038E
Map type
Oradea: The T'adore saloon
Oradea: Hotel Nevis
Oradea: The Scala Confectionery
Oradea: PIHE hostel
Oradea: The Reformed Church
Oradea: The Evangelical Church
Oradea: The Greek Catholic Bishop Palace
Oradea: Sf. Ierarh Nicolae grek-chatolic Church
Oradea: The City Hall
Oradea: The Union's Square
Oradea: St Ladislau church
Oradea: Church with Moon
Oradea: Detsch house
Oradea: The Black Eagle Palace
Oradea: The Astoria Hotel
Oradea: The Poinar Palace
Oradea: Adorjan house II
Oradea: The Theatre
Oradea: Adorjan house I
Dance: Nagyvárad folk ensemble - Oradea
Oradea: The Church of the Premonstatense Order
Oradea: The Bazar
Oradea: The Monastery of the Capucin Order
Oradea: The Ursulina's Complex
Oradea: The Ursulina's church
Oradea: The Orthodox Synagogues
Oradea: Vila Okányi-Schwartz
Oradea: The Zion Neological Synagogue
Oradea: The Ulmann Palace
Oradea: Vila Fuchsl
Oradea: The Orthodox Bishop palace
Oradea: Stern palace
Oradea: Rimanoczy palace
Oradea: Restaurant Bridge
Oradea: Hotel Maxim
Oradea: The Apollo Palace
Oradea: The Moskovits Palace
Oradea: The Ady Memorial museum
Oradea: The Tribunal
Oradea: The medical Faculty
Oradea: The Minerva Confectionery
Oradea: The Selena Luna saloon
Dance: Nuntaşii Bihorului folk ensemble - Oradea
Oradea: The Olosig Roman-Catholic church
Oradea: Restaurant Underground
Oradea: The Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
Oradea: Hotel Carnival
Oradea: Church of the Order of Mercy
Oradea: The Palace of Public Finances
Oradea: Restaurant Royal
Oradea: The Fortress
Oradea: Hotel Elite
Oradea: Inn Góbé