Map of Baia Mare: City wall

panoramic image for:Map of Baia Mare: City wall

The center of Baia Mare city was protected by the walls built in the time of Matei Corvin. Construction was due to frequent attacks of Moldovans after unsuccessful expedition of Matthew in Moldova. The approximately circular wall had four gates and was reinforced with towers supported by guilds. The wall was strengthened after each event that ended with the enemy's entry into the city. Wall importance declined after the war Kuruc. At the turn of the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries the wall was entire, the demolition was determined by the development and expansion of the city.
The last piece of the wall can be seen near isto Museum and Archeology and the towers remained only Round Tower Butchers maintained guild. Between 2010-2011 the tower was restored.

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: Daniela Iulia

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: Daniela Iulia

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR

City wall, Baia Mare·, Photo: WR


GPS: 47.66173N, 23.58080E

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Map type

Map of Baia Mare: City wall
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